142 results where found for «Tacit Song»

Under my Skin (A flor de piel)

Music piece by:
Julio Iglesias
Testimony by:
César Montiel
Experience in:
Colonia Dignidad, April 1975
« At the beginning of the 1970s, I met Carmen, my comrade, my love, at the Juventudes Comunistas of Talca. We had the life of young idealists, sharing our everyday, living this revolutionary process so beautifully. »
« At that time, we listened to typical songs of bands such as Quilapayún and Inti-Illimani. But there was a special song that defined us as a couple. It was popular at the time, it came from Spain and was sung by Julio Iglesias. We heard it for the first time on the radio and we played it at friends’ homes and parties. »
[Read full testimony]

El bimbó

Music piece by:
Georgie Dann
Testimony by:
César Montiel
Experience in:
Colonia Dignidad, April 1975
« I have a story about 'El bimbó', a song that shaped us in those difficult moments in Colonia Dignidad. It was a song with a tropical rhythm that was very trendy in the 1970s. It was played every day on the radio. Also on Eurovision, in European festivals, and on the TV programme 300 Million. »
[Read full testimony]